Please submit a comment to CalTrans
The deadline to submit a comment on Caltrans’ draft revised environmental impact report on the Highway 101 widening project is this Tuesday, January 31. Click here to go to CLAWS’ comment page and submit your comment directly and automatically to Caltrans.
The Highway 101 widening project will have lasting and irrevocable impacts on the South Coast of Santa Barbara County. Caltrans has failed miserably to disclose and describe the project’s impacts, despite CEQA’s clear legal requirements and Judge Anderle’s direction in his December 2015 ruling.
Caltrans does not want to admit that widening Highway 101 will not eliminate traffic congestion, but instead will shift congestion onto the City of Santa Barbara’s streets and elsewhere on the 101. While Ventura commuters will shave a few minutes off their travel time, Santa Barbara locals will encounter more traffic congestion where none exists today, and experience new delays and unsafe conditions getting around our community, both on and off the highway.
CLAWS is not trying to stop the project, but only to get the information out so our community can make an informed decision whether it’s a good project worthy of our support, or if we should pursue other alternatives.
Read through our website, watch the video of the City of Santa Barbara’s Planning Commission hearing on the DREIR, and if you have concerns, send a comment to Caltrans. We posted a sample letter that you can edit to ask the questions most important to you, and share your view.
For our community! Thank you for participating in the conversation,
The Board of Committees for Land, Air, Water and Species (CLAWS)